Semi Permanent Make Up

No additional premium.

The following Endorsement(s) apply:

Micropigmentation/Micropigmentation pigment removal and correctional procedures/Microblading

This certificate of insurance excludes:

A) The treatment of persons aged under 18

B) Pigments which are not supplied by an identifiable source. The supplier must be noted on the consultation record card. This does not apply to the correction or removal of pigments when the original work has been carried out by another technician.
i) The removal or correction of pigment that was originally applied outside of the EU or USA.

C) The treatment of persons who the insured is aware
i) are haemophiliac
ii) are pregnant or nursing
iii) are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
iv) have Hepatitis C
v) are five weeks pre or post Radiotherapy/chemotherapy treatment unless medical consent is given
vi) are epileptic and have experienced a seizure in the last two years.
vii) those taking Warfarin or other blood thinning medication unless medical consent is given
viii) those using Antabuse and Roaccutane within 6 months of the treatment date
ix) those with visible evidence of a coldsore or fever blister or a skin disorder on the area to be treated.

D) The treatment of persons who have not signed a consent form.
i) The subsequent treatment of persons who have not confirmed in writing that there are no changes to the original information given.

It is a further condition of this insurance that all clients declaring any medical condition or are taking prescribed medication must sign a consent form that they understand how their condition or medication may affect the treatment including bruising, bleeding and additional healing time.

E) Those who have not been offered a patch test and have not signed the consent form to state that they have been offered but refused a patch test. For those undertaking a patch test a period of 2 hours should be allowed in between the patch test and the treatment.

F) The use of a Laser for correction procedures.

G) The use or removal of indelible inks.

H) The application or removal of body tattoos. This does not apply to paramedical tattooing.

I) When you are listed as a student this certificate of insurance excludes any claim arising from those who have not completed, signed and dated a model release form and or for the removal and correction of work other than your own, for the person signing and dating the model release form. Only the pigments used during your training can be used whilst you are still a student.

All other terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations in this policy remain unaltered.