Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine

Additional premium : contact us and we can advise you of the premium.

The following Endorsement(s) apply:

Asian/Oriental/Chinese Herbal Medicine

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Endorsement

The Insurer will not indemnify the Insured against liability directly or indirectly in connection with any herb or ingredient prohibited by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency and/or The Irish Medicine Board and/or is a herbal ingredient that has not been used in accordance with the Restricted Use conditions applied by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.

It is warranted that all herbal products and/or ingredients are purchased from approved suppliers of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine and/or Chinese Medicine Association of Suppliers,

Endangered Species Exclusion Clause

The Insurer shall not be liable for any claim arising from or relating to any product or medication which comprises of or contains any substance derived from an animal, flora or fauna which is categorised as being within the rates of ulnerable to ritically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (I.U.C.N)

Use of Heat Lamps

The Insurer shall not be liable for any claim arising from the use of a heat lamp unless specifically noted of the certificate of Insurance

All other terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations in this policy remain unaltered.